Thursday, May 06, 2010

Blackberry anti-virus, backup and location services

I found a cool little suite of Blackberry apps (all in one) that image handle anti-virus, backup and location services. The app is call Lookout from  I loaded it up and it seems to work pretty well.  For the moment it’s a free app, but I’m sure they will begin charging for it at some point.  Here’s a quick list of features:

  • Backup (You can do this remotely in case you lose your device)
  • Anti-virus (can be scheduled)
  • Location (Log into the website and have it find your phone on a map)
  • Scream (Set off an alarm on your device so you can find it by the audible tone)
  • Nuke (Remote wipe your device in case you lose it…might wanna back it up first. :) )

Lot’s of this stuff can already be done with BES but the beauty is this way users can control their own settings.  In our Firm the devices are owned by the users so there’s a fine line of confidentiality that we need to ride.  This app might be a solution for a few of the more….sensitive users.

