Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blackberry Confirmations

So popping around the web today I came across this little tidbit.  If you send a someone with a Blackberry a message with the subject line containing the <confirm> tag, you will get a confirmation of the delivery when the message is delivered.  Here's my test and confirmation:


and here is the confirmation:


I'd love to credit the blog I just took this from...but I kinda lost my place in the excitement!  Sorry man.

Enjoy the tasty messaging goodness!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This cool little open source app (shown to me by Lance of the ILTA OSS group...thanks Lance) will let you monitor traffic streams passing by your nic. It reaches in, grabs valid graphic files passing by and tosses them up on your screen.  Cool stuff....albeit a bit "big brotherish" but still cool.


It runs on Linux so you Windose-only guys won't have much luck with it, however another similar project called EtherPEG runs on the MAC.

Monday, November 17, 2008

NetWitness Investigator

NetWitness has released a free version of their Investigator product. This tool reads and parses a capture file and lets you slice and dice the data in all kinds of interesting ways.  Basically, it can read a WireShark or tcpdump file as a source and give you the ability to analyze it in great detail.  Here is the link:

Here’s a quick and dirty youtube vid on how it works:

In fact, they’ve even got training vids on a youtube channel dedicated to the Investigator product:

Good Stuff.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cool Tool of the Week

Ever see Net Tools



This cool little freeware app is packed with all kinds of crazy network troubleshooting goodness.  From ip scanning, port scanning, timesync, sniffing, spoofing to email bombs.  In fact it's got so much stuff I haven't even had a chance to find out all it can do!  My only complaint is that the menu structure to call each individual tool is a little cumbersome to work with, but's free so I can't say much.  Check it's worth the effort.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

ShoreTel Server Backup



So I wrote a little script to backup the mysql database.  Here it is (with appreciation to the manuals and help I got from our Integrator):

rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem backupshoretel.bat
rem Author - Scott Rolf
rem Version - 1.0
rem Description - This script automatically backs up the shoretel mysql database
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem Create Archive folder if it does not exist
if exist c:\shoretelbackup goto Label1
echo creating shoretelbackup
md c:\shoretelbackup

rem Parse out the current date to a system variable
for /f "tokens= 1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%I in ('date /t') do Call :MakeString %%J %%K %%L

rem Make new folder based on date in archive folder
md c:\shoretelbackup\%DateString%

rem Backup mysql
cd \Program Files\Shoreline Communications\ShoreWare Server\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin
mysqldump.exe --add-drop-table --routines --user=root --password=yourpass --database shoreware > c:\\shoretelBackup\%DateString%\ShoretelBackup.sql

goto :Cleanup

rem CLEANUP..dump dir of c:\shoretelbackup to a text file and delete old
set T=0
dir c:\shoretelbackup /b /o:-n > c:\scripts\edir.txt
for /F %%I in (c:\scripts\edir.txt) do Call :Killold %%I
goto END1

rem Function that set the environment variable DateString
Set DateString=%1%2%3
goto :EOF

:Killold - this subroutine kills logs older then 30 days
set /a T = 1+%T%
if %T% LEQ 30 goto :Killold_exit
rd /S /Q c:\shoretelbackup\%1
goto :EOF

goto :EOF
rem -------------------
rem End of Script
rem -------------------

Watch out for line breaks in this as a simple cut and paste may not work correctly.  I've scheduled it to run every morning and it only keeps the last 30 days worth of backups. Also change "yourpass" above to your mysql password. (The default password is in the manual.) 

Enjoy the scripty goodness...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Local Prefixes

As part of setting up the ShoreTel phone system, you need to load the local area codes and prefixes for calls that are not long distance.  It took me awhile to find out where to get these lists on the net so I thought I'd share the info.  You can find the codes here. Go for the spreadsheet at the bottom as they are easier to work with.  Then cut paste and replace the - with a comma and you're good to go.  Enjoy.