Friday, April 25, 2008

Mini-setup has issues adding machine to the domain

So I was struggling with this issue for quite awhile.  During our BDD process (I gotta start calling it MD for Microsoft Deployment, but that's a hard habit to break.) everything was roses until the machine image dropped down as a .wim starting running the mini-setup after being sysprepped.  I kept getting the error "An unexpected error has occurred while changing your computer's network identification.  Would you like to proceed for now and try joining the domain later?"  Of course, you enter yes and it completes and then adding manually works every time.  So why can't it do this automatically?  Well it turns our the old MachineOU="Computers" was stuck in my sysprep.inf.  Not by me, mind you, by BDD. I had removed this line, but it appeared in the default customsetting.ini file (aka the Rules tab under the deployment point) and BDD was adding this line as well as a few others during the build process.  Removing it from the sysprep.inf and from customsettings.ini finally did the trick and the machine was added just fine.  The shift-F10 trick I posted about before really helped in figuring this out as I was able to "preview" in sysprep.inf file right before mini-setup ran.  On to the next issue.....

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