Thursday, March 26, 2009

Setting up Orange JeOS with httpd and Webmin

After some messing around I was able to get Orange JeOS running as a basic web server. I also threw on the ultracool imageWebmin tool.  Webmin is a web based administration tool for Linux.  It makes it easy to get down and dirty with the OS without having to use the command line and without having to load a full GUI.  It’s simple to setup and is great for people just learning Linux.  As my staff doesn’t have many Linux admins, I’m planning on using it as a tool to get the rest of them up to speed and productive in a short period of time.  Anyhoo…here’s how I did it.

  1. Load Orange JeOS on the box from the iso I talked about in the last post. (The root password is “qwerty” if you can’t find it.)
  2. Change the IP address in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
  3. Change the default gateway and hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network  (my config had two hostname lines..not sure why…so I deleted one)
  4. Change the DNS Sever in /etc/resolv.conf
  5. Bounce the nic with “service network restart”. You should now have network connectivity.
  6. Do a “yum update” to get the box up to speed with all the updates.
  7. install httpd and perl “yum install perl httpd”  (You need perl for webmin)
  8. Download webmin by doing a  “wget
  9. install webmin “rpm –i webmin-1.470-1.noarch.rpm”
  10. start httpd with “service httpd start”
  11. start webmin with “service webmin start”
  12. Allow httpd (port 80)  in iptables with  ”iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT 3 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT”  
  13. Allow Webmin (port 10000) in iptables with  “iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT 3 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10000 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT”
  14. Save the iptables changes “/etc/init.d/iptables save” so the rules are there after a reboot.

You should now have a fully functional Orange JeOS webserver with Webmin loaded.  The URL for webmin is  http://yourboxip:10000 where “yourboxip” is the IP you assigned or the hostname (if you set it up on your DNS server).

Next I’ll load rsyslog and phpLogCon and my syslog appliance will be complete.  (It’s trickier then it sounds…I’ll need to expand the physical volume on LVM as Orange JeOS only has 4GB configured and 2GB in the current logical volume for / .)


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